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Security Engineer


I have been part of the teaching team for the following courses (2016 to date)
Spring 2022 Information Security, ETH Zurich
This course provides an introduction to Information Security. The focus is on fundamental concepts and models, basic cryptography, protocols and system security, and privacy and data protection. While the emphasis is on foundations, case studies are given that examine different realizations of these ideas in practice.
Autumn 2021 Applied Security Laboratory, ETH Zurich
This is a hands-on course on applied aspects of Information Security. It covers topics such as applied information security, operating system security, OS hardening, computer forensics, web application security, design, implementation, and configuration of security mechanisms, risk analysis, and system review.
Spring 2021 Big Data for Engineers, ETH Zurich
This database course introduces the most recent advances for scaling storage and querying to Petabytes of data with trillions of records. The course covers techniques to work with heterogeneous data sets and data shapes like trees and graphs.
Autumn 2020 Information Security Lab, ETH Zurich
This InterFocus course provides a broad, hands-on introduction to Information Security. It introduces adversarial thinking and security by design as key approaches to building secure systems.
Spring 2020 Information Systems for Engineers, ETH Zurich
This course provides the basics of relational databases from the perspective of the user. We discover why tables are so incredibly powerful to express relations, learn the SQL query language, and how to make the most of it. The course also covers support for data cubes (analytics).
Autumn 2019 Algorithms, Probability, and Computing, ETH Zurich
This course focuses on advanced design and analysis methods for algorithms and data structures, such as Random(ized) Search Trees, Point Location, Minimum Cut, Linear Programming, Randomized Algebraic Algorithms (matchings), Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (introduction).
2016–2018 Security Protocols, University of Luxembourg
The course helps students develop their skills in manual and computer-aided verification of security protocols.
2017 Information Security Basics, University of Luxembourg
The course covers the basic concepts of Information Security from a formal methods perspective. These concepts include protocol execution, threat model, security properties, and (manual) verification.